Joseph W. Robertshaw
Often in the shadows you will find me, patiently waiting for my moment in the sun, Watching his inexorable
march across the sky.
Slowly drifting over
the treetops and
opening blooms,
Like tiny drops
of sunlight
along the way.
Now and again I may creep out and catch a warm ray
Only to dash away again
Taking it home to ward against the night
Like a blanket in a cool wet misty May morning
For now I may steal my moments of fun fearing to stay too long in the sun,
But soon the day will surely come, when in summer’s warm embrace,
I will stride with upturned face and drink of the golden light.
Spark by Michael Marshall Smith
My name is Joseph Robertshaw. I like poetry and prose and try to write both. I was asked to leave my high school English class and my high school but all these years later, I have just written a fantasy book. I have dropped out of high school and have earned two master’s degrees. I have taught cooking, safety, customer service and now, for the past five years, First Year Composition. I am a husband and a father and, in my life, I have killed turkeys, cooked chickens, thrown crabs, siphoned salmon. I have been a stay at home navy spouse. I have sailed the Bering Sea and rolled through Europe on the rails. I currently live in Ohio and I expect to earn a PhD in Rhetoric and Writing in 2018.
Of In The Shadows is Copyright © Josphe Robertshaw 2015