The field of undreamt dreams. Each stalk catefully tended by its owner. Those who existed but never lived.
Spark by Michael Marshall Smith
The field of undreamt dreams. Each stalk catefully tended by its owner. Those who existed but never lived.
Spark by Michael Marshall Smith
Niel Fulton
No matter how long Steve waited, the skies remained suspiciously clear of Alien Invasion Fleets.
Spark by Michael Marshall Smith
Copyright © Niel Fulton
Site: Inversions.net
Roger Scouton
The leader, dressed in his robes of silk, wool, and gold, steals a last look on his enemy-free shore. A storm is beyond the sun.
Spark by Michael Marshall Smith
Roger Scouton grew up in Minot, North Dakota. In 1974 Roger began his studies at the University North Dakota School of Law. After graduation Roger clerked for a United States District Judge. Thereafter, he entered private practice. The long legal career added to his life experiences by exposing Roger to a variety of “dramas” in both the criminal and civil settings. Roger developed the art of storytelling over the years as he wrote legal briefs and presented oral arguments. Currently his writing projects include screenplays and novels. His sites are here and here.
The first Jack Fields and Amber Reyes adventure GOLDPLAY was published in 2013. The adventure continues in VEYRON. Roger is currently working on Jack and Amber’s third adventure, DESERT ICE, as well DINNER WITH LUCIFER, and a young reader science fiction novel.
The Leader is Copyright © John Scruton 2015